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Filter by
Wide & UltraWide
- 16:10 960x600
- 16:10 1152x720
- 16:10 1280x800
- 16:10 1440x900
- 16:10 1680x1050
- 16:10 1920x1200
- 16:10 2560x1600
- 16:10 2880x1800
- 16:10 3840x2400
- 16:10 5120x3200
- 16:10 7680x4800
- 5:3 800x480
- 5:3 1280x768
- UW 21:9 2560x1080
- UW 21:9 3440x1440
- UW 21:9 5120x2160
- UW 24:10 3840x1600
- HD 16:9 960x540
- HD 16:9 1024x576
- HD 16:9 1280x720
- HD 16:9 1366x768
- HD 16:9 1600x900
- HD 16:9 1920x1080
- HD 16:9 2048x1152
- HD 16:9 2400x1350
- HD 16:9 2560x1440
- HD 16:9 2880x1620
- HD 16:9 3554x1999
- UHD 16:9 3840x2160
- UHD 16:9 5120x2880
- UHD 16:9 7680x4320
- 4:3 800x600
- 4:3 1024x768
- 4:3 1152x864
- 4:3 1280x960
- 4:3 1400x1050
- 4:3 1440x1080
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- 4:3 1680x1260
- 4:3 1920x1440
- 4:3 2048x1536
- 4:3 2560x1920
- 4:3 2800x2100
- 4:3 3200x2400
- 4:3 4096x3072
- 4:3 6400x4800
- 5:4 1280x1024
- 5:4 2560x2048
- 5:4 3750x3000
- 5:4 5120x4096
- 3:2 1152x768
- 3:2 1440x960
- 3:2 1920x1280
- 3:2 2000x1333
- 3:2 2160x1440
- 3:2 2736x1824
- 3:2 3000x2000
Mobile Ratio
- Smartphone 540x960
- Smartphone 720x1280
- Smartphone 1080x1920
- Smartphone 1440x2560
- Smartphone 320x480
- Smartphone 640x960
- Smartphone 768x1152
- Smartphone 480x800
- Smartphone 768x1280
- Tablet 1024x1024
- Tablet 1280x1280
- Tablet 2048x2048
- Tablet 2560x2560
- Tablet 2732x2732
- Tablet 3840x3840
- VGA 4:3 240x320
- VGA 4:3 480x640
- VGA 4:3 600x800
- VGA 4:3 320x240
- VGA 4:3 640x480
- VGA 4:3 800x600
- WVGA 5:3 240x400
- WVGA 5:3 480x800
- WVGA 5:3 400x240
- WVGA 5:3 800x480
- HVGA 3:2 320x480
- HVGA 3:2 640x960
- HVGA 3:2 480x320
- HVGA 3:2 960x640
- WXGA 16:9 272x480
- WXGA 16:9 360x640
- WXGA 16:9 480x854
- WXGA 16:9 480x272
- WXGA 16:9 640x360
- WXGA 16:9 854x480
- XGA 5:4 176x220
- XGA 5:4 220x176
Mobile Brands
- Apple iPhone SE
- Apple iPhone 6 Plus
- Apple iPhone 6
- Apple iPhone 5 5C/5S
- Apple iPhone 4/4S
- Apple iPhone 1G-3GS
- Apple iPad Pro
- Apple iPad 3/4 Retina
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- Samsung Galaxy Tab & Tab 7.0 2/3/Plus
- Sony Xperia Z5 Premium
- Sony Xperia Z5
- Sony Xperia Z5 Compact
- HTC 10
- LG G5
- Huawei Mate 8
- Microsoft Lumia 950
Dual Monitor
- 16:10 1920x600
- 16:10 2304x720
- 16:10 2560x800
- 16:10 2880x900
- 16:10 3360x1050
- 16:10 3840x1200
- 16:10 5120x1600
- 16:10 5600x1800
- 16:10 7680x2400
- 16:10 10240x3200
- 16:10 15360x4800
- 5:3 1600x480
- 5:3 2560x768
- 16:9 1920x540
- 16:9 2048x576
- 16:9 2560x720
- 16:9 2732x768
- 16:9 3200x900
- 16:9 3840x1080
- 16:9 4096x1152
- 16:9 4800x1350
- 16:9 5120x1440
- 16:9 5760x1620
- 16:9 7108x1999
- 16:9 7680x2160
- 16:9 10240x2880
- 16:9 15360x4320
- 4:3 1600x600
- 4:3 2048x768
- 4:3 2304x864
- 4:3 2560x960
- 4:3 2800x1050
- 4:3 2880x1080
- 4:3 3200x1200
- 4:3 3360x1260
- 4:3 3840x1440
- 4:3 4096x1536
- 4:3 5120x1920
- 4:3 5600x2100
- 4:3 6400x2400
- 4:3 8192x3072
- 4:3 12800x4800
- 5:4 2560x1024
- 5:4 5120x2048
- 5:4 7500x3000
- 5:4 10240x4096
- 3:2 2304x768
- 3:2 2880x960
- 3:2 3840x1280
- 3:2 4000x1333
- 3:2 4320x1440
- 3:2 5472x1824
- 3:2 6000x2000
Triple Monitor
- 16:10 3840x800
- 16:10 4320x900
- 16:10 5040x1050
- 16:10 5760x1200
- 16:10 7680x1600
- 16:10 8640x1800
- 16:10 11520x2400
- 16:10 15360x3200
- 16:10 23040x4800
- 5:3 2400x480
- 5:3 3840x768
- 16:9 3840x720
- 16:9 4098x768
- 16:9 4800x900
- 16:9 5760x1080
- 16:9 6144x1152
- 16:9 7200x1350
- 16:9 7680x1440
- 16:9 8640x1620
- 16:9 10662x1999
- 16:9 11520x2160
- 16:9 15360x2880
- 16:9 23040x4320
- 4:3 3072x768
- 4:3 3456x864
- 4:3 3840x960
- 4:3 4200x1050
- 4:3 4320x1080
- 4:3 4800x1200
- 4:3 5040x1260
- 4:3 5760x1440
- 4:3 6144x1536
- 4:3 7680x1920
- 4:3 8400x2100
- 4:3 9600x2400
- 4:3 12288x3072
- 4:3 19200x4800
- 5:4 3840x1024
- 5:4 7680x2048
- 5:4 11250x3000
- 5:4 15360x4096
- 3:2 3456x768
- 3:2 4320x960
- 3:2 5760x1280
- 3:2 6000x1333
- 3:2 6480x1440
- 3:2 8208x1824
- 3:2 9000x2000
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Wide 16:10
960x600 1152x720 1280x800 1440x900 1680x1050 1920x1200 2560x1600 2880x1800 3840x2400Wide 5:3
800x480 1280x768UltraWide 21:9
2560x1080 3440x1440UltraWide 24:10
3840x1600HD 16:9
960x540 1024x576 1280x720 1366x768 1600x900 1920x1080 2048x1152 2400x1350 2560x1440 2880x1620 3554x1999UHD 16:9
3840x2160Standard 4:3
800x600 1024x768 1152x864 1280x960 1400x1050 1440x1080 1600x1200 1680x1260 1920x1440 2048x1536 2560x1920 2800x2100 3200x2400 4096x3072Standard 5:4
1280x1024 2560x2048 3750x3000Standard 3:2
1152x768 1440x960 1920x1280 2000x1333 2160x1440 2736x1824 3000x2000Smartphone 16:9
540x960 720x1280 1080x1920 1440x2560Smartphone 3:2
320x480 640x960 768x1152Tablet 1:1
1024x1024 1280x1280 2048x2048 2560x2560 2732x2732iPad 1/2/Mini
768x1024 1024x768Mobile VGA 4:3
240x320 480x640 600x800 320x240 640x480 800x600Mobile WVGA 5:3
400x240 800x480Mobile HVGA 3:2
320x480 640x960 480x320 960x640Mobile WXGA 16:9
272x480 360x640 480x854 480x272 640x360 854x480Mobile XGA 5:4
176x220 220x176Dual Wide 16:10
1920x600 2304x720 2560x800 2880x900 3360x1050 3840x1200Dual Wide 5:3
1600x480 2560x768Dual HD 16:9
1920x540 2048x576 2560x720 2732x768 3200x900 3840x1080 4096x1152 4800x1350Dual Standard 4:3
1600x600 2048x768 2304x864 2560x960 2800x1050 2880x1080 3200x1200 3360x1260 3840x1440 4096x1536Dual Standard 5:4
2560x1024Dual Standard 3:2
2304x768 2880x960 3840x1280 4000x1333 4320x1440Triple Wide 16:10
3840x800 4320x900Triple Wide 5:3
2400x480 3840x768Triple HD 16:9
3840x720 4098x768 4800x900Triple Standard 4:3
3072x768 3456x864 3840x960 4200x1050 4320x1080 4800x1200Triple Standard 5:4
3840x1024Triple Standard 3:2
3456x768 4320x960
Author: Quang Nguyen vinh
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